Friday, March 02, 2007

The Plan & The Call

Ok, ok, after several interviews all resulting in job offers (talk about a confidence boost), I decided to go with a company that is mid-large for several reasons. They have about 6 offices and a defined training program. So I think in the long run that will be a benefit. So here goes full speed ahead on the exit plan. So the fact that I have not worked in years meant nothing. I guess atthe end of the day those degrees do hold their worth. Maybe in a different type of job my lack of activity would be a factor but this is basically sales so its really all on me. I am really excited and can't wait to get started. I actually have started here and there on my own but whatever doesn't get done before my start date will just have to wait.

Now let's talk about what I won't miss. These evil, vindictive BITCHES!!!!! It never ceases to amaze me how other girls allow themselves to be so consumed with jealousy over another that they will go to any lengths. Now I got a phone message the other day and I started to let it go. At 1st I thought it was funny. Then I thought it was sad. Some broad left me a voicemail cussing me out called me everything but a child of God, and I must be tired from working since the time she was in highschool, blah, blah, blah. The only thing I can piece it with is this. The call came from a DC # and I just posted an ad in DC. So apparently this upset said provider, that I was going to be in DC working. I mean come on! I have never met this broad nor has she met me, no dealings or crossings of any kind but she was so angered by my presence she had to call and cuss me out! I just dont see how lil ol me can shut it down like that! Come on! Even my ego won't let me buy that. Has to be that gallon jug of HATER-ade she drank (HAHA)

So of course I had to leave her a response and told her to grow up. I am not 35 I am 30 almost 31 but even if I was 50 and people still wanted to see me how does that effect her? I am in 'her city' 2 days! If that is long enough for me to bring DC a city of how many millions of people to its knees where they can't support other girls I am one bad chic! I am but not that bad!LOL!

This kind of downright evil has been a part of this industry for years and I will even go one step further. I have only had this response guessed it other black women! For whatever reason the other black providers I have never met in life instantly hate me from jealousy etc and its so ridiculous. That crab in the barrel shit is so true. And it is most apparent among girls in this business.

I can recall when I befriended a local Atlanta provider (black) who then proceeded to plagarize my entire website word for word as her own to 'cut and paste' point where some of the items didnt apply to her. Where is she now........I think you can see her at a local 'shoe model' establishment... I will not say but her rap sheet is detailed.

I am sure I will get all kind of hate responses but I can go over countless situations over the years in this industry where I had to check black chics that had never met me prior but yet were slandering me every which way for no reason. The most outrageous of them all was a female porn star that I admired prior to her BS. Claimed that I was lying (because she was not making any $$ because it was going up her nose) and I didn't have certain material items (again who told her what I made or had when I didnt know the broad), blah blah. When I did meet her I had to clarify if this was the 1st time we ever met. When she agreed it was I had to let it rip.

This I will not miss one bit! So anyone out there that wonders why I dont socialize this is a prime example and I dont even know who this broad on the phone is. So dont email me asking me to help you get started etc. My advice make friends with no one on the net !:)