Sunday, September 02, 2007

Celebrity Gossip, Paternity (Update)

For all you who doubted my initial story about the celebrity and the stripper go to and find the story that matches. Since its out who am I to stop the press:) Look for Exotic Dancer in the title story

Oh yeah I'll tell you why they cut Leftwich ........because he sucks!!!


Anonymous said...

looks like you are dating the wrong types. Maybe just maybe you should try to get a friend to hook you up with a nice everyday type not someone in a certain income range you'd really be suprised how nice most common people are

Anonymous said...

Wow! What's with the Jaguars cutting Leftwich?

Anonymous said...

it's not that leftwich is's more of a situation n which j-ville feels that it's time to move on...@this point it is warranted to say that vick is tha most garbage qb n tha game right now...hell ryan leaf is a betta what u do ma...if u no wanna settle...then don''s not against tha law to b alone...n a lotta's tha best can't c y cats would doubt u about tha preggy situation...but then again non-believers r ev'rywhere...haha...aiights yo b easy lil' mama n holla back@cha boi...ghost

Anonymous said...

wow you and sleep,can't offer any relationship advice.If I knew the anwser wouldn't be single myself.I can only say that he missed out Ms is a great person and if he only had ayana on his mind too bad.The season starts in lesson than 24 hours and no picks.You are on the clock.And what Idiot is threating you,its not that serious,besides how do you threaten an angle.