Thursday, October 26, 2006

No Chance

Hi everyone. Nope I am through with bachelor #1. I don't have time to play games or try and figure out what's wrong with people because they are too insecure or immature to verbalize it or whatever. I am not really a 2nd chance kind of person:) ya know! So to answer everyone I do not see anything happening here. I got turned off. Once that happens its virtually impossible to get me turned back on:)!

I will put up my picks for the week soon!!!!

Thanks for all the emails and comments! I love to read them!!!


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

We like reading your postings too, Ayana. Well, I can't speak for everyone else but I in particular enjoy your postings and I also read all the comments on each posting. I check for new postings on a daily basis, I guest it's like a soap opera, I just can't get enough of it. It's nice to see that a woman like yourself has a human side also. Have you ever thought about doing reality television? I bet you would be great in something like Surreal Life, not that your fame is gone but because you are leaving porn and also because you are a very interesting person. I'm willing to bet the ratings would soar with you in the Surreal house. Besides if Flavor Flav can do it, I bet you would rock also. I guess since you are having a hard time finding good romance, maybe you should pitch the idea of you finding someone special like Flav did, Ex-Porn Star looking for a normal guy to kick it with, who won't trip about her past or present lifestyle. I would watch it and I'm sure you would have plenty of applicants for the show including myself. Do you ever watch Flavor of Love, Ayana?