Monday, October 23, 2006

Phone Call, Continued

Ok so I am sitting watching my Sun night fav. Desperate Housewives, already slight irritated because I expected to be at the movies watching 'Departed' with bachelor #3 and he had some lame excuse issues going on......Anyway my phone rings and I recognized the area code even though bachelor #1 was deleted from the phone list (haha). I started to not answer but the evil Ayana couldn't resist the conversation went like this:

'Hey what's up how are you?'
Who is this (knowing full well who it was)???
Who? You must have the wrong #.
'Can I speak to Ayana?'
This is
'Well how is it the wrong #? Its -----.
I know who it is and you must have the wrong #!!!
Then he proceeds to make small talk about BS and then asks incredulously why do I have an attitude. By the way I did get your email....
So I unleash in a censored way my irritation and aggravation over the last month and some days at the current no contact clause. Never really did get an answer. He acted like he had NO IDEA it had been that long and apologized. Then when I asked if my 4 phone calls were received he basically lied and said he didn't know I had called, blah blah blah. For me after that he turned into the teacher on the Peanuts cartoon and I really didn't here any of the BS that came out. I hung up on him he continue to call back and seemed shocked at the fact I as upset. One thing about me though once you offend me to a certain degree and once the 14 day forgiveness policy expires you are really just waiting your energy and breath.

So there you have it no explanation and had the nerve to want to know when I will be there to visit. Not even for the price of admission will I give you the pleasure again. Did I ever mention that I am a lifetime-card carrying member of the 'Grudgeholders R'Us' club. Especially since no real explanation was given. His best bet is to continue with whatever or whoever the last 6 weeks have included because only vengeance is in my heart at this point:) But if he continues to call and play dumb so will I but vengeance WILL BE MINE!!!(Blood curdling howl (HAHAHA!!!!!!)


Anonymous said...

So, your done with him, huh? It sounds like you want him to grovel for a while before you take him back. But if you don't want him back then let it end with the phone call, anything else would be uncivilized. Believe me when I tell you the fact that you shut him down when he tried to come back is punishing the hell out of him, because it's obvious he wants to have his cake and eat it too. I knew he would be back with the lies and denial, as soon as he wanted to enjoy the Ayana experience again. He showed his true colors when asking when could he come and visit you. If you really want to pay him back, you should have a threesome with his friend and your girl, when he gets word of it that will really crush him, therfore, you exact your revenge and have some fun also. But my real advice is to let it end with the phone call and let him waddle in his BS. Also, remember, lesbianism is a bad choice if you still have the desire to be with a man. I think your blog is very interesting, unlike some of the other blogs where there is to much talk about sexual escapades or boring personal stuff no one cares about, your blog touches on a variety of subjects and I really love your nfl picks and it is good to know you have true emotions. So, please continue to talk to us, I know I love getting to know you in this format. Until you next posting take care and let the Heavenly Ayana shine.

Brayja said...

Dang, Ayana. You"re taking it a little to personal, I hope you are just kidding. Man you act like my wife just because I disappear for the weekend, that's no reason to be mad. Besides like him, I came back when I was ready.(Jesus)(lol) My question to you is are you done with him for good or are you just playing that role until you have made him suffer. My wife tried to make me suffer by putting me out for a few days, but, little did she know it wasn't being put out that made me suffer, the sufferring came when she asked me to come home. Are you really going to become a full blown lesbian?

Anonymous said...

Hello Ayana, so he called wow he must really think he has game.I guess I'm about to ask this question because I'm sure all the readers of your blog wants to know. Are you going to let him back in or are you seriously done with him. It's kind of hard to tell because it seems you are angry with him right now and that later after all is forgiven you may take him back. As the comercial says inquiring minds want to know.