Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Gun Toting Dog Walkers

Oh My God!!!!!!!!!

Ok as you all know I am in love with my pitbull puppy. Polo is about 8 months now and likely 65 lbs. I also have a Schitzu (or however you spell it) that is about 7 years old. Now the Pitbull is still a puppy and loves to play with everyone. I tend to take him outside in my own yard unleashed because he is trained to stop when called. Etc. Now there are several other dogs on this block and all throughout the subdivision. So today I took my dog outside to collect some trash that had blown into the yard since it was super windy today. As we are coming from the back side of the house I see this lady walking her dog. I already knew my dog would want to run over and play so I said to him Polo 'Stop'. he looked at me (the lady is across the yard and in the street) and started to run and busted a quick u-turn back to me. Meanwhile she screams get your dog, I said "he's not going to do"... and before I could finish my sentence; she reached in her pocket pulled out a gun and shot at my dog!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes that is what I said; she shot at my dog in my yard. My dog was at least 50 feet away.

So after the shock wore off I lost it. "Bitch are you crazy?????"!!!!! So my friend was home calls 911 and the local pd comes out. Apparently Ms. Petrified has a permit. But I ask you who the fuck walks around at 5pm in the afternoon with a loaded gun in their pocket. This bitch is psycho and personally I think planned on shooting someone. She walks up and down this street daily and see's myself and the two dogs all the time. He doesn't bark unless you ring the doorbell so he was not viciously headed her way. If you are that scary you don't need to walk down this street that includes 2 pitbulls, a lab, and a Rotweiler!!! But what pissed me off the most were two things. One she didn't apologize, she didn't say I was really scared, she didn't say shit it was like "and what"... at least lie and tell me you were attacked by a dog or something. People who are scared of dog's nthey don't usually have one. Then her dog is not a miniature dog either. He is at least twice as big as my Schitzu. Then the pd's response was well we're not going to write you a citation? A citation for being in my own yard???? Are you serious? I don't live in Iraq there is no need for a gun that is locked and loaded in your pocket to walk down the street. Because she didn't have to put a clip in or release a safety, she came out her pocket firing. I vow vengeance!!!!!!! I thought at the least they would have cited her for unlawfully discharging a firearm. That bullet could have hit me, hit someone outside on the next block over, whatever!!! To be continued..........

P.S. this was at my lovely suburbian home in Atlanta!!!!!! That shit would never fly in Miami baby!!!


Unknown said...

GET THAT BITCH!!! Within reason and won't get you locked up. ;-D

michael.s said...

Wow,i'm sorry you had to go through something like that.Some one pulling out a gun and actually shooting it in broad daylight like that is some very serious shit! Im surprised she wasnt arrested for reckless endangerment.

Maybe you might have to start packin. Make sure you get your permit.

Unknown said...

So what form will your vengence take?

KITT said...

lol if u see it from the outside, that's quite a funny story, I would not be surprised to see this scene in a Ben Stiller movie :D

Dj said...

great ass!!
You are my sexual fantasy

Stewart1117 said...

Wow, this is quite scary, Ayana!! First of all, a couple of the people who responded to this, Kitt and DJ, are way out of line, as this is not at all funny even from the outside, and your physical attributes are not relevant when bullets from crazy people are flying around.

I think you should file a complaint above the heads of the officers who responded to the call. Start with the chief of police, or check to see if there is a consumer review board overseeing complaints about the police. Put what happened in writing too. If that doesn't work, you could go above to feds or to a local consumer reporter, even though you no doubt don't want to be on the news with people seeing you and hearing what community you live in, etc.

It is unbelievable that some lunatic would take out a loaded gun and fire it without being in danger. Hate to bring up race, but I wouldn't be surprised if she was white. Pit bulls have many people scared and not all of them are gonna go off and attack babies.

Please be careful with whatever form of payback you take. It can feel good at the moment and you can regret actions later. But, something for sure needs to be done. She endangered you, your dog, and possibly others as stray bullets can fly long distances and kill as well as do damage to windows, doors, wall, and cars. Very nuts for sure. I am very glad you weren't hurt!! Maybe trying to deal with this thru legal channels is the way to go. It sounds like grounds for legal action unders wreckless endangerment -- though I am not an attorney.

By the by, the spelling of your other dog's breed is "Shih Tzu" (pronounced - shee dzoo).

Good luck, and stay safe!


Unknown said...

Wow. I really can't believe this. So sorry about the dog.

I can't believe the woman would legally be allowed to do that. I bet if it was pressed in court she would at the least have her gun taken away, and at the most be given animal cruelty charges.